2019. November 8-9-én immáron hetedik alkalommal rendezik meg a SCENE (Separation and Closeness Experiences in the Neonatal Environment) symposium elnevezésű kutatói konferenciát, mely nemzetközi szakemberek multidiszciplináris munkacsoportja. Kutatásaikkal, megfigyeléseikkel arra törekednek, hogy javítsák a szülők és csecsemők újszülöttellátás során szerzett tapasztalatait, illetve az ellátás kimenetelét. Idén a „Melletted a Helyem Egyesület” koraszülöttek ellátásért betegszervezet és a Semmelweis Egyetem szervezésében Budapest ad otthont a szakmai eseménynek.
A konferencia regisztrációja lezárult, a rendezvény MEGTELT!
7th SCENE Symposium, November 8th-9th 2019
Program for Friday November 8th, 2019
8:00 Registration opens
9:00-9:10 Introduction to the Symposium and recent SCENE work - Anna Axelin & Livia Nagy
9:10-9:30 Welcome by the Representatives of Semmelweis University - Dr. Túri Ibolya, Deputy Dean of Science
- Pásztorné dr. Tass Ildikó, Associate professor
9:30-11:00 Fathers in NICUs (Chair Kris De Coen)
*How best to understand fathers needs in the NICU? - Kris De Coen,
*A story of a Hungarian father - Almos Paksi
*The preterm infants’ care continuum and the role of fathers in decision-making and family forming – an ethical-empirical study - Sebastian Horn (Germany)
11:00-12:00 Coffee & Guided tour of the Institute
12:00-12:10 Philosophy and Family Centred Care Approach by NATUS - Judy Moore, Senior International Clinical Marketing Manager
12:10-12:40 Enabling parent-infant emotional closeness in neonatal units: A meta-ethnography – Gill Thomson
12:40-13:30 Oral presentations (Chair Gill Thomson)
*Reflecting on the Family in NICU (RF-NICU): a tool to help NICU staff think about the family of preterm born children – Gina Ancora (UK/Italy)
*The development of a digital educational program with parents of preterm infants to meet their needs and promote their psychological well-being - Valérie Lebel (Canada)
13:30-14:30 Group photo and Lunch
14:30-15:30 Poster presentations (see a list in the end of the program)
15:30-16:00 Research update on parental psychosocial well-being after preterm birth.
- Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth
16:00-17:00 Research speed dating (chairs Bente Silnes Tandberg & Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth)
"Interactive session where participants meet and discuss their main research interests to explore new research ideas and collaboration."
18:30 Guided bus tour in Budapest
SCENE Symposium Dinner at 20:00
7th SCENE Symposium
Program for Saturday November 9th, 2019
9:00-9:15 Reflections from Friday – Erik Normann & Uwe Ewald
9:15-11:00 After the NICU discharge: Follow-up and parental early interventions
(Chairs Rosario Montirosso & Livio Provenzi)
*Introduction - Rosario Montirosso
*Follow up in Hungary - Reality meets desire? - Dr. Csaba Nádor (Hungary)
*Follow-up programs and health among very preterm children in Europe: Results from the EPICE/SHIPS cohort – Dr. Carina Rodrigues (Portugal)
*Through the mirror: Supporting parenting through video-feedback in Italy
- Livio Provenzi
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 What is happening with breastfeeding in neonatal units? − Renée Flacking
12:00-13:30 Oral presentations (Chair Renee Flacking)
*Never separating families – the Amsterdam experience and a systematic review and meta-analysis of parent outcomes” - Nicole van Veenendaal (the Netherlands)
*Unit architecture and the quality of family-centered care in the NICU of Turku University Hospital - Emma Kainiemi (Finland)
*Parental Presence and Involvement in the NICU: Comparison of Open Bay and Single Family Rooms - Marsha Campbell-Yeo (Canada)
13:30-15:00 Lunch and Poster viewing
15:00-16:30 Closeness and separation in neonatal care
*Zero-separation in a modern NICU; development for proof of concept - Pyrola Bergsten (Sweden)
*The 2nd International Closeness Survey – Liisa Lehtonen & Anna Axelin
*Update on closeness and separation in neonatal care - Anna Axelin
16:30 Close
Poster presentations
1. First-time father’s experiences and needs during childbirth: a systematic review - Sabine Oude Maatman, Maartje van Vulpen, Agnes van den Hoogen, the Netherlands
2. Experiences of parents and nurses regarding the involvement of parents’ social network in the care for the infant admitted to a neonatal care unit – Rianne Doornweerd, Sabine Oude Maatman, Agnes van den Hoogen, the Netherlands
3. Inequalities in infant and family centred developmental care: lessons learnt from a middle-income country - Rosa Maria Mendizabal-Espinosa, Inga Warren, the UK
4. Kinesthetic stimulation in kangaroo position practice by parents in the neonatal intensive care unit - Andrea Carolina Aldana Acosta, Colombia
5. The essence of golden hour: “A healthy baby and moderate maternal bleeding” - Hannakaisa Niela-Vilén, Anna Axelin, Sanna Salanterä, Renée Flacking, Finland & Sweden
6. Physical Closeness of Fathers and Their Preterm Infants in the East-Tallinn Central Hospital, Estonia - Pille Andresson, Kati Korjus, Reet Vinkel, Marika Tammaru, Estonia
7. Tandem - skin to skin transfer to NICU >32 weeks of gestation - Catherine Radelet, Céline Spitaels, Emilie Huet, Mélina Kopp, Valérie Godart, Frank Derriks, Yves Hennequin, Dorottya Kelen, Belgium
8. Delayed cord clamping: increasing maternal closeness and neonatal outcomes - Tamanna Williams, Claire Howard, Marie Reid Alison Brodrick, Emma Sherwood, the UK
9. Family Integrated Care in the Neonatal Ward–the AMICA study - Nicole van Veenendaal, the Netherland
10. Creating Room and Opportunities on Wards for Newborns and their families-the CROWN initiative. An International study on implementing Closeness and Family Integrated Care in neonatal wards in Europe - Nicole van Veenendaal, the Netherland
11. Developing Relationship Based Family Care in a Local Neonatal Unit - The Exeter Neonatal Team, Louise Rattenbury, the UK
12. Reflective discussion as a tool for professional learning: developing family- centered practices for medical rounds in a neonatal unit - Jenni Nyberg, Anna Axelin, Ylva Thernström Blomqvist, Erik Normann, Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth, Finland & Sweden
13. The influence of the father on the psychomotor development of the preterm-born child: a CARE-Index study - Baldoni Franco, Ancora Gina, Facondini Elisa, Giannotti Michele, Cena Loredana, Dilorenzo Margherita & Chirico Gaetano, Italy
14. Baby CLOSE project: Cuddles Leading to zer0 Smoke Exposure - Helen Baston, Helen Watson, Clare Howard & Tamsin Hicks, the UK
15. Unexpected Consequences of Required Cocreation in the NICU - Beth Leavenworth DuFault, John W. Schouten, USA
16. The role of population-based surveys to study well-being of NICU-graduated families – Riikka Ikonen, Finland
17. A randomized controlled trial on immediate skin-to-skin contact for very preterm infants:
The IPISTOS Study – Siri Lilliesköld, Linnér A, Lode K, Klemming S, Rettedal S, Almgren M, Bergman N, Westrup B, Skiöld B & Jonas W, Sweden & Norway
18. Mobile Health (mHealth) applications: A challenge in future health care. Experience from the NeoParent App research project - Inge Tency, Davy De Winne, Marie-Rose Van Hoestenberghe & Kris De Coen, Belgium
19. Single family room architecture increased parents’ presence and parent-infant skin-to-skin contact in the NICU of Turku University Hospital – Pilvi Hongisto, Anna Axelin, Tiina Hautajärvi & Liisa Lehtonen, Finland
20. Parental support systems post-NICU-discharge, a Belgian experience - Leontien Depoorter, Karla Van Leeuwen, Marie-Rose Van Hoestenberghe, Belgium
21. "When all you wanted was to hold him" Parents' experiences of closeness and participation in their infant’ care during therapeutic hypothermia – Pyrola Bergsten, Beatrice Hjelte, Lena Hellström Westas, Johan Ågren, Ylva Thernström Blomqvist, Sweden
22. Epigenetic impacts of pain-relieving intervention for single and repeated painful procedures during Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) hospitalization – Marsha Campbell-Yeo, Sylvester E, Weaver I, Canada